In recognition to this, the Communication and Multimedia Journalism Department endevours to train a great communicator who has command over language and medium; whose cache is full of the soft skills of persuasion and negotiation; whose psychological make up breaks down messages to the audiences’ level; and whose perspective and ideology is global as this will spur development.
Our department trains hard-working and innovative journalists who can hit the ground running as soon as they get into the job market. During their studies here, we send them into the real world to write and record about real people in real situations. Further, we consistently strive to create industry ready professionals by engaging key stakeholders in our classrooms where they share their experiences and pass on knowledge to the learners. A key component of our programme is that most units are practical oriented exposing our learners to studio settings of media production that prove quite engaging to our learners.
Another key differentiator is that learners must develop their own impressive portfolio of still photos, video clips and different print media stories that they can showcase to prospective employers and hence gaining an added advantage compared to their peers.
Lastly, as faculty, our actions are guided by our scholarship and expertise in this area. We make it our goal to guide your development and to allow you to achieve your personal best as budding communication scholars and practitioners. We present to you the core underpinnings of our exciting and innovative modern discipline, in the hope that you will be equally intrigued, engaged and inspired by how the field has developed over time from using smoke signals to using 140 characters to tell a whole story. We trust that as we engage, your taste and zest for learning, which is truly what an education is all about, will be inspired.
Welcome to Riara University. Welcome to Communication and Multimedia Journalism Department.